Friday, October 30, 2009

Lots of Boats

When we were in Venice, we saw lots of boats! Here I am getting ready to ride the vaporetto on the first day.

This is a vaporetto. It is a big boat that you ride like you would on a bus. There are lots of stops on the Grand Canal where you can get on and off the vaporettos.

This is a water taxi.

A Post Office boat in front of the post office.

Police boat. We saw an ambulance boat too, but it was going too fast to get a photo of it.

Gondola Parking Lot

Gondola on small canal

Gondola on Grand Canal

Delivery Boat

Construction Boat

I only got to ride the white vaporetto boats. That was really fun.

1 comment:

  1. I have the very same picture "Gondola on Small Canal" hanging up in my living room. Great photo! Hope you are having fun!

    your Godfather.
