Saturday, October 3, 2009

Reminder of Safety

Just a reminder about safety for all the students who are following this blog:

Last night, as we were returning from a visit to our favorite gelato shop, we saw a clown performing in the piazza in front of the Pantheon. I have mentioned in previous blogs about all the people who try to earn money by performing in the piazzas. Well, this man was dressed like a clown and had a painted face and squeaky horn. He tried at first to get Paul, Elizabeth and Grace's attention, but they ignored him. So, he decided to grab Paul and just "play" with him a little bit. He grabbed Paul's arm and pulled him toward the middle of the piazza. Paul knew he was joking and pulled away, but the clown didn't let go like Paul (and I) expected. Paul started to push against the clown with his other arm and when the clown didn't let go, I told him, "No! Grazie! No!" The clown frowned and let go of Paul as I started toward them.

So tonight I want you to discuss with your parents what you are supposed to do if someone tries to take you.
1 - Say "NO!" "HELP!" "YOU ARE NOT MY MOM/DAD!" Yell, scream, holler, make as much noise as you can.
2 - Fight back. Do whatever you need to do to get the person to let go of you. All those things that your parents and teachers tell you that you are not allowed to do - DO THEM! Kick, hit, punch, bite, poke, scratch, whatever might work!
3 - Once you get away - RUN!
4 - Tell your parents, teacher, or another adult what happened.

So, everything is fine. Paul is fine. I am fine. But now every time we go into a piazza, Grace says, "Watch out for clowns!"


  1. That must have been scary. Glad Paul is okay.
    Fr. David

  2. Grace is right...Watch out for clowns, indeed. Any other run-ins with the gypsies? Stay safe! Mr. Sullivan
