Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our Peanut Butter Has Been Confiscated!

Uncle Brian and Aunt Ogi came to visit us today. We asked them to bring us some peanut butter because we haven't been able to find any in Rome for the last few weeks. Unfortunately, there was a "peanut butter incident".

When they went through security in Minneapolis, the guards x-rayed their bags and spotted an unknown substance. (Maybe it looked like Kryptonite!) Anyway, they asked Uncle Brian and Aunt Ogi to open the bag and let them examine the contents. They removed the two jars of peanut butter and x-rayed them again. They asked, "Sir, why are you carrying so much peanut butter?"

Irritated, Uncle Brian explained that his nieces and nephew were living in Europe and couldn't find peanut butter. The guard made him speak to a supervisor! Uncle Brian repeated the story to the supervisor. With a sigh, the woman explained, "Sir, we cannot allow that much peanut butter on the airplane." Unfortunately, Uncle Brian and Aunt Ogi didn't check any luggage so they had to give up the jars of peanut butter.

Do you think the guards had any jelly in the breakroom?

Longing for peanut butter,

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