Friday, December 4, 2009

I Am Also Thankful

Dear Grace, Elizabeth, Paul, and Terri,

It has occurred to me that I have not contributed in any meaningful way to the entries on the blog. You all have done a great job with it, and everyone back home must enjoy sharing your adventures with you. I'm sorry that I have not been around much these past few weeks - it is hard for me to be away from you all for so much time. I wish that I could have been a part of these grand explorations of yours, and hope someday to have the chance. After reading all of your Thanksgiving blog entries, I decided to contribute one of my own, so here is what I am thankful for - Grace, Elizabeth, Paul, and Terri.

Grace, you are my sweet little peanut, and you are getting to be so big! You have grown so much here in Rome that nobody will recognize you when we get home. You have been so curious, brave, and cheerful these past months, and I hope that you will remember your time here in Rome with us.

Elizabeth, you are my big girl, and I am so proud of who you are, and who you are becoming. You have an amazing talent with words that is really developing in your blog posts, and your mom is doing a great job encouraging your gift. You are also a pretty, confident, independent young girl that has proved to me that even when you are homesick or scared, you still try and make the best of things. I am so glad that you could come to Rome with me.

Paul, you are my son, and you are very much like me in many ways. Your awareness of the world around you astounds me, and your ability to draw and describe the things you have seen is a great gift that I hope to continue to nurture. If I sometimes seem too critical of you, it is because you have so much potential, and will someday do great things. I hope that you have found Rome to be fascinating and inspiring.

Terri, you are the love of my life, and it hurts me most of all that we have been apart so much these past weeks, particularly on our anniversary. I am thankful for your patience, your support, and your willingness to allow me to become better than I am. I hope to be able someday to repay the great gift you have given me. I also hope that you will always treasure your time in Rome, and keep it always in your heart.

I miss you all, and will be with you guys again very soon (three more days!). Of all the things I have in the world, you four are the things I am thankful for the most.



  1. Dear John, Terri, Paul, Elizabeth and Grace.
    Thank you so much for sharing these past few months. I have enjoyed reading of your adventures, seeing Rome through your eyes, and appreciating the gift of your family. May the experiences of these months draw you closer together, and may the Lord, continue to mold all of you into the great people you are becoming. Have a wonderful trip back to the States, a Merry Christmas with all the people you love, and a most fulfilling year 2010.
    Fr. David

  2. Beautiful reflections on a tough balancing act. But with words like that...can you be my Dad?
